viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Research on teacher`s attitude

Research on teacher`s attitude
This paper will prove that professors’ attitude in the classroom affect the second language learning process. Motivation is an important aspect of the learning process and it could be affected by different situations. Those situations could be external factors like the social environment or it could be so personal such as interests out of the goal established by the professor in class. The English improvement could be also affected in different ways personal, health, emotional students’ problems, or the environment. Taking into account this situation, professors have to keep a convenient environment in order to achieve the objectives already established; consequently, they must try to get the students’ attention. Teachers’ attitude affects cognitive abilities of the students and their motivation in the English class.

This research is based on different situations given in the English classroom, situations which take to loss of interest in the process or lack of interest in the English subject. On the other hand, if it were possible to find the main problem that influence this matter it would be easier to develop this process.
Professors as Part of the Learning Process

The management of learners’ learning is clearly linked to teachers’ abilities to
set an appropriated tone and gain learners respect and cooperation in class “when he behaves as we want to behave, we simply create a situation he likes, or remove one he does not like. As a result the probability that he will behave that way again goes up, which is what we want.” (Skinner. 1968). This hassled many researchers into teachers’ effectiveness to emphasize that the creation and maintenance of a positive classroom climate is essential in producing optimum learning. Moreover, the methodological aspects of teacher behavior such as the selection of content and materials, method, strategies and forms of assessment affect in different ways the students’ learning, but all of those aspects are related to the teacher’ attitude. Also, the interpersonal aspect, which is social and emotional, concerns the creation
and maintenance of a positive classroom atmosphere conductive to learning. However, there are three aspects that could affect in a negative way or in contrast, reinforce the learners’ learning. First the personality and it can involve some teachers’ behavior dimensions such as leaderships, friendliness, admonishing, or strict behavior. If all those aspects are part of the professor’s personality with an appropriated balance, professors will not have any problem trying to keep the students awareness. Otherwise, professors are unable to attain all those characteristics it is more possible that learners could have conduct problems. Consequently, students could have difficulties getting concentration. That is why, the only way to know and overcome those situations is the experience in which the teachers learn by practicing how to get the class control.

Motivation in Second Language Learning
When the motivation is intrinsic, learning is an action that could be part of the personal improvement and it could be a permanent learning because the students learn by their own desire. On the other hand, if a student learns because of an external reason, it could become into a competition. Also what the student study could be forgot easily because there was no a real interest to learn. Summarizing, there is a motivation that could be called the good one because it has good results. That is the intrinsic, this could be reinforced by the professor in different ways already discussed and obtaining good results. However, the extrinsic motivation could be foster by the professor, incorrectly. Professors could believe that giving prizes, for example, to his students can make them participate or get a good score and he will obtain a better learning process when is not absolutely right. Rewarding must be carefully implemented or wrong conditioning will be obtained.

Factors in Classroom Management
Classroom management is an important teaching skill. An atmosphere that facilitates learning is the first step to students' academic success. Classroom management involves many factors, ranging from the physical arrangement of the classroom to dealing with students' disruptive behaviors. Managing a classroom efficiently allows teachers to make learning an enjoyable process for their students.

Physical Environment
The physical aspect of the classroom is the first thing that students perceive when they step inside. It can influence their attitude toward learning even without them being aware of it. Consider how desks are arranged to provide easy traffic flow and students' interactions for pair and group work; using neutral colors and posting useful visual aids on the walls; the room's acoustics; and maintaining proper lighting and temperature. Students' comfort means the lack of unpleasant distractions from learning.

Teacher's Attitude
A teacher's personal qualities can affect students' attitude toward learning. Teachers should project their voice and clearly articulate words so that all students in the room can hear and understand. These qualities can prevent students' fussing while trying to find out what the teacher just told them to do. The teacher's posture should exhibit confidence; facial expressions and hand gestures should enhance the meaning of words, especially in language classes.

Unfavorable Circumstances
Teaching under adverse circumstances is another factor to consider in classroom management. In teaching large classes, of 30 to 40 students or more, individual teacher-student interaction is minimized and students have fewer opportunities to fully participate in the learning activities. Teaching multiple-proficiency levels can be equally difficult, because it forces teachers to adapt their strategies to meet all of their students' goals. Consider group work tasks to address these issues.

Classroom Discipline
Dealing with disruptive behaviors in class is a skill that teachers must learn. Before attempting one of several strategies to manage bad behavior, teachers must understand what triggers it. There are multiple causes for students' misbehavior: curricular variables (tasks are too difficult, easy, boring or unstructured); social variables (positive or negative interactions between students); and setting variables (time of day, personal problems at home, student feeling sick, hungry or tired). When the causes are clear, teachers can take appropriate measures to handle inappropriate behavior.

Teacher-Student Relationship
Teachers that value students' opinions and feelings and are genuinely interested in their progress seldom have classroom management issues. Treating students equally, but trying to meet each and every one's needs as individuals with different learning systems creates a positive learning climate in the classroom. Teacher-student relationships based on mutual trust and respect can contribute to students' successful acquisition of knowledge and lead to good academic results.

Personal comment
In short many times the teacher's attitude greatly influences student learning up to us the mood in which children or adolescents and are perceived or classes, a teacher can not show indifference to the weaknesses of their students , educators must be empathetic towards them without exceeding the limits of our duty is to impart lessons in a fun and enjoyable, this in order to obtain a quality and effective learning that can trace positive in their lives, the behavior of a teacher and his attitude toward his students greatly influences the life of a teenager to us to those future professionals who may come to have this country has been losing value and importance of a good education that way to abolish poverty and illiteracy that exists in this world incredibly little interest to be someone useful and productive life.

A lot or some, dropping out to academic education factors intimidate their students and cause the drop, I consider that a teacher should be more professional and show concern for the boys and see what your weaknesses, find solutions towards emotional stability to better understand the material imparted to it and maybe this show desquebrando in that area.

In short, the teacher's role is very important in the daily life of Costa Rican education, although we have many limitations, one's duty as a teacher is to innovate, find new techniques, have an atmosphere of respect and solidarity with boys and girls who spend much of their day sharing with us in a classroom, so it is very important knowledge and preparation that the teacher must have in order to meet their needs and be ethical to his profession. Being educators not mean we are more than them because every day we learn something even more humble person and no profession, how important is learning from each other and learn to accept our mistakes with humility.


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Universidad de Costa Rica
Roberto Mesén Hidalgo
Marisol Pérez Marín

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