viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


Most of ESL and EFL teachers worry about how to make their classes interesting and catchy. However, most of teachers just worry, but they don't move forward, I mean, they don't try to find new alternatives and options to achieve their subject goals. Teachers must understad that creating change across cultural boundaries requires both a careful analysis of the target setting, one which takes into account the potential barriers to change, and an appropriate implementation strategy to overcome those barriers. That's why ESL and EFL teachers are compelled to change what they see it's not worthy in their classes. Change those methods and strategies which don't come up with goal achievement. So, teachers must analyze what they teach (contents) and think how those contents can be taught by finding the Students' identification with those. In short, ESL and EFL teachers must work on curriculum change and improvement, new technologies, and concepts of language use, communication, and instruction vital to guiding the organization and practices of teaching English.

Learning English blogs, created by Paul Scott, gets students and teachers communicating outside the classroom. Student bloggers write about topics they are interested in and teachers respond with comments on their use of language.
The third UK prize went to the Bookworms Club Reading Circles, created for Oxford University Press by Mark Furr, Jenny Bassett and Nicole Irving.
The resource provides all that is needed to run a reading circle, in which groups of students meet in class to discuss stories to improve their speaking and listening skills.
Judges said the Bookworms Club was a "strong entry". "It creates a reason to communicate, which is what many teachers are looking for."
Judge Caroline Moore said: "It's a turn of events that last year's winners were all small publishers and this year sees the return of the large UK publishers. We congratulate them, of course, but look forward to seeing more entries in future from smaller publishers and course providers too."

Teachers as innovative professionals
In the 2006 GTC Survey of Teachers, 84% of teachers reported that they had the opportunity to innovate in their classroom, and over 50% said they had the opportunity to innovate in their school.
The GTC wanted to investigate what lay behind this high figure. What do teachers understand by innovation? In which conditions do innovative practices thrive? In partnership with the Innovation Unit, GTC commissioned the Office for Public Management (OPM) to conduct a research project governed by these questions.

Personal comment
In reading, we saw the definition of what is educational innovation, we saw that innovate education, not require technological advances to develop a class, but find traditional and conventional methods to make a more creative and conventional class for students do not fall into the routine and boredom, and also learn in a more easy and fast.

In this next reading, I want to show the importance of innovation not only to learn a second language but also in all other subjects they teach intellectual learning are best person for the future of humanity. Many educators still have a fossilized form of giving a class, so many courses of studies try to impress upon facilitators the importance of being creative and innovative in our classes, encourage the boys, girls to learn a second language in order serves to address this global world in which we live and we need to have knowledge in various languages ​​in this case the English in our country is being indispensable for economic development, it is said that economic development, since many people seeking work bilingual to perform many jobs that come from foreign companies to offer jobs to persons who hold a second language, which in this case is English.

In summary depends on educators and students that engage the interest to learn and to see that not only is the need that drives them to want to learn, but a privilege that few countries have free education such as in many countries have to pay for this benefit, English and study in general is a blessing and privilege that very few people have in life and we educators and classes depend on us to go to give many people who have a forged in life goal can be met.


Csikzenntmihalyif, M. Intrinsic Motivation and Effective Teaching. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Gardner, R. C. Social Psychology and Language Learning. London: Eduard Arnold. 1985.

Purkey, W. W and J. Novak. Inviting School Success. Belmont Clifornia: Wardworth, 1984.

Skinner, B. F. The technology of Teaching. New York: Appleton- Century- Crofts. 1968.

Weinstein, C. S. Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions of Teaching. Journal of teaching Education, 40(2), 53-60.

Williams and Burden. Psychoogy for Language Teacher. United Kindom of the University Press Cambridge. 1997.

Universidad de Costa Rica
Roberto Mesén Hidalgo
Marisol Pérez Marín

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