jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Interview with Professor of English: Cristian Soto


1.   Do you consider that English teachers should be innovative in the lesson?

2. What types of innovations should be used to develop the lesson?  

3.   Do you think that students like to learn the foreign language? Why yes or not?

4.   Why do you consider that learning English is necessary tool nowadays?

5.   Do you consider that English teachers have the support of the Government or institution where they work?

6.   What types of limitations do you consider teachers have had?

7.   What types of innovations do you use in your class?

8.   If you would be a principal or the authority to change something of the educational system, how would you help teachers in order to make them develop their job in easy way?

9.   Do you consider that the size of the groups limitate your effectiveness as teacher?

Teacher: Cristian Soto


1.  Yes, totally we as a teachers have to make our classes as innovative as possible, we must try having fun at the same time they are learning, we should remember many of the students dislike English, so we try to make activities to catch their attention, besides aim they feel comfortable to work with.

2. We can use the all technology around us, like computers, video beam, use internet if you can have it, besides we also can try with some resources like magazines, brochures, news papers; kinds of materials like those are very helpful to innovate your classes.

3.  Is it a quite hard questions to answer, because some students some days like English and suddenly dislike, because of the topics or ways to teacher give the classes, I can say almost 50% of the students like the English and the process of learning, but we as a teachers must show to our students the importance of English nowadays and how the L2 will help them in their professional performance and in their lives. I consider that we the past of the years this percentage is going to increase because the value of English have in society.

4.  As I told you before, if do you learn English you a extra point in regard a professional with the same curriculum to you, but do you have an extra position just with the English, it is why currently learn a second language is very important if we want to thrive in our future.


6. you can use many kinds of innovations like, make presentations, use videos to make different activities, watch some blogs to share information, assigned student's homework from the web, or perhaps is very useful to make workshops in class where students have build some activities and at the same time are producing meaningful learning which is very important for student's learning process.

7.  Some of the limitations could be in our way to teach English in our compromise with our students and some teachers just like loaf time in their classes, on the other hand we have some students who dislike English and even compare this subject with mathematics as the two most difficult ones, and they are predispose to learn English, here is time to create all the innovations in the classes to show those students the L2 isn't as boring as they believe, moreover we try to establish a confident atmosphere in our classes, where students feel comfortable and pleased to be there.

8.  I would try they can have many resources to make all this possible, where they can handle many innovative activities for their students, and very important a good computer laboratory where they can take their students and improve all the skills.

9. Totally sometimes we want to give a kind of personalized attention with our students, but it is almost impossible, because the size of the groups. Imagine groups where you find 35 students how come you will do that.

Teacher: Cristian Soto

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