lunes, 23 de abril de 2012



   The both teachers agreed about that teachers should be innovative in their class, they consider that innovative methods can help students show more interest of learning a foreign language , innovative methods will help them improve their learning , also it considered that English teachers have limitations in their educative centers , we don´t have the enough tools to develop our lessons in an appropriate environment  adequate to our necessities, most of the limitation that we have as teachers , as a personal necessity, I  touch conversational English at my high school, and I have no equipment to develop my lesson, comparing to the morning high school they have their own classroom with Videos, computers , CD´S, grabadoras and Video bin. In addition English is amazing to learn , but we as facilitators need more support of the work centers.


                                                           PLAN DEMO
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica                            Pronunciation lesson  for inter.        Teacher: Yanneth Allen                                            Date: April 21st , 2012
English department                                                   Time: 20 minutes

-         The teacher will give some tongue twisters to the students , and each one of them have to read them aloud without mistakes , pronouncing the words  appropriately , the one who do it better is going to be the winner.

-         Practices for intermedia students with: vocabularies , they will work with the pronunciation part.

-         Ss will able to pronounce words with the teacher help, they are going to practice diverse words and participate with their classmates.

4-Follow up:
-         Ss will form pairs and work, they are going to work with some sheet of papers that teacher provides them, such as exercises with:
-Pronunciation exercise (Lifestyles vocabulary)  
-Simple past following with the regular verbs and identifying the pronunciation ending with: /d/  /t/ /Id/ 
